The reservation management system for your restaurant

We help your restaurant:

  • manage its reservations and allow your customers to book online
  • gain more customers
  • improve its presence and visibility on the web
  • create menus with allergens and in multiple languages

Allow your customers to automatically book and manage all your reservations with MenuMaker.

The online restaurant reservation system designed for simple and agile use. Try it for free and then for only €19.90 per month.

A comprehensive software for managing reservations for your restaurant

More and more customers book online and look at the menu before booking through the web.

Restaurant reservation software

Online form

Allow your customers to book online and sync automatically with the app

Restaurant reservation program

Smart design

You can use MenuMaker in just a few clicks thanks to its simple and user-friendly interface

Free restaurant reservation software

Avoid "No Show"

Reminder notifications for your customers and for you about new reservations, confirmations, etc.

Reservation management program for restaurant

Receive reservations through the web

More and more customers book directly online and want to see the menu before making a decision.

Don't let potential customers not come to your restaurant because of poor visibility on the Internet.

Free restaurant reservation software

Design the layout of your restaurant to quickly visualize free tables, changes, combinations...

It only takes a few minutes and you'll be ready to start managing your reservations with MenuMaker

You can create different areas for your restaurant (e.g., main dining room, first floor, etc.) and manage them all at the same time. You can also create reservations for multiple people by combining the tables you choose.

Also take advantage of MenuMaker's menu and restaurant card creation tool included in the price.

Print your menus in PDF. Choose one of our restaurant card templates or menu templates, edit them, add images, change the background, font or text colors and print them in PDF in just a few minutes.

Menu templates

Create your restaurant's daily menu. Choose a template, print it in one or more languages, include allergens for dishes, and edit the design to your liking.

Restaurant menu templates

Create your restaurant's menus. Choose a template and customize it to your liking. Include allergens for dishes, print it in one or more languages, in A3, A4 or A5.

Menu with allergens and multiple languages

Easily manage your restaurant's menus and menus with MenuMaker. Translate your dishes into up to 11 languages. You can print your menus in one or more languages.

Restaurant menu with multiple prices

Sometimes it's necessary to be able to include more than one price for your dishes or drinks. With MenuMaker you can easily create multi-price menus, choosing a template or even designing it yourself, for wine lists, tapas, pizzas, and more.

Save Time And Money

MenuMaker is a program for creating restaurant menus, printing them in PDF, and sharing them on the web. We want to make your life easier. That's why we've included fabulous options at your fingertips.

Manual or Customer Reservations

Manage your reservations and allow your customers to book online

Avoid "No Show"

Notifications for you and your customer to avoid forgetfulness on their part


Create multiple areas of your restaurant and manage tables and reservations flexibly

Automatic Translation

Automatic translation with just one click.


Adapt to the new regulations by including allergens in your menus and menus


Choose your favorite design from our menu templates and restaurant menu templates


Your menus and menus in multiple languages, fast, simple and painless

Print to PDF

Print to pdf with just one click

Comparte en redes sociales

Share your menus and menus on Facebook

Manage multiple restaurants

Do you have more than one restaurant? With MenuMaker you can import and share dishes and menus among your restaurants.


Print your menus and menus with a QR code. It will redirect you to a page with your menu translated into the languages ​​you choose.

Customize designs

Include your logo, images, and backgrounds. Change the font type, color, size,...and much more!

Do you want to give a boost to your restaurant but prefer that we manage it for you?

Ask us for more information at [email protected] and we will send you an email with our plans.

MenuMaker: Online Reservation System for Restaurants

Online Reservation System

MenuMaker offers an efficient and easy-to-use online reservation system for restaurants, ideal for those looking for a fast and reliable restaurant reservation system.

Comprehensive Software for Reservation Management

Restaurant Reservation Management

This restaurant reservation management program is a comprehensive software that not only facilitates reservation management for restaurants but also allows customers to review the menu online before making their reservation.

Receive Reservations Through the Web

Online Restaurant Reservations

Additionally, by receiving reservations through the web, you ensure that more customers choose your restaurant, improving its visibility on the Internet and preventing potential customers from missing out due to lack of online information.

MenuMaker also offers a restaurant reservation management app, providing greater comfort and accessibility for both restaurant managers and customers.